Note: If you wish to receive a copy of the Tribal Park proposal, don't hesitate to ask.We, the landowners of Wounded Knee and other interested parties, have reviewed the Bill and find many things objectionable contained therein. In order to open an intelligent, rational discussion between us, we have placed the points/questions we would like to raise below. Please note that the numbers below correspond to the page and line number of the Bill to which the point correlates.
"There is nothing to conceal or apologize for in the Wounded Knee Battle - beyond the killing of a wounded buck by a hysterical recruit. The firing was begun by the Indians and continued until they stopped - with the one exception noted above.
"That women and children were casualties was unfortunate but unavoidable, and most must have been [killed] from Indian bullets...The Indians at Wounded Knee brought their own destruction as surely as any people ever did. Their attack on the troops was as treacherous as any in the history of Indian warfare, and that they were under a strange religious hallucination is only an explanation not an excuse." Excerpts from " official investigation of Wounded Knee, initiated at the behest of Congress, written by General E. D. Scott.