As of 3.29.13, as reported by the NY Times

"...the massacre site, which passed into non-Indian hands generations ago, is up for sale, once again dragging Wounded Knee to the center of the Indian people's bitter struggle against perceived injustice - as well as sowing rifts within the tribe over whether it would be proper, should the tribe get the land, to develop it in a way that brings some money to the destitute region.

"James A. Czywczynski of Rapid City is asking $3.9 million for the 40-acre plot he owns here, far more than the $7,000 that the deeply impoverished Oglala Sioux say the land is worth. Mr. Czywczynski insists that his price fairly accounts for the land's sentimental and historical value.

court of leaves painting

(Painting by GateKeeper, Court of Leaves)

"There is nothing to conceal or apologize for in the Wounded Knee Battle - beyond the killing of a wounded buck by a hysterical recruit. The firing was begun by the Indians and continued until they stopped - with the one exception noted


"That women and children were casualties was unfortunate but unavoidable, and most must have been [killed] from Indian bullets...The Indians at Wounded Knee brought their own destruction as surely as any people ever did. Their attack on the troops was as treacherous as any in the history of Indian warfare, and that they were under a strange religious hallucination is only an explanation not an excuse."

...excerpts from an official investigation of Wounded Knee initiated at the behest of Congress, written by General E. D. Scott.

See the Dewey Beard postcard at "A Massacre Survivor speaks"

Paintings of the Warriors of Wounded Knee

Search First Nations Site

Wounded Knee Site Index...

[What Happened?] [Medals of (dis) Honor] [A Proposed Tribal Park?]
[The Wizard of Oz and Wounded Knee] [Supplements]

What Happened?

Field Dispatches of General Miles. From a telegram from General Nelson A. Miles, Rapid City, SD. December 19, 1890:

"...While the Indians were urged and almost forced to sign a treaty presented to them by the commission authorized by Congress, in which they gave up a valuable portion of their reservation which is now occupied by white people, the government has failed to fulfill its part of the compact, and instead of an increase or even a reasonable supply for their support, they have been compelled to live on half and two-thirds rations, and received nothing for the surrender of their lands, neither has the government given any positive assurance that they intend to do any differently with them in the future..."

The Murder of the Wind of Peace
A Massacre Survivor Speaks...
Dr. Wagner's Wounded Knee Testimony
Bringing Lost Bird Home

Medals of (dis) Honor

National Congress of American Indians, November 2001 Annual Session, Spokane, Washington.

Resolution #SPO-01-163 Title: Support the Action to Revoke the Congressional Medals of Honor to the Soldiers of the 7th Calvary [sic] at Wounded Knee

"...NCAI does request the United States Congress to...renounce the issuance of said medals, and/or to proclaim that the medals are null and void, given the atrocities committed upon unarmed men, women, children and elderly of the Great Sioux Nation..."

Resolution #SPO-01-100 Title: Revocation of Congressional Medals of Honor Issued at Wounded Knee Massacre

"...NCAI does hereby condemn the issuance of the Congressional Medals of Honor to the members of the U.S. Army, 7th Calvary [sic]..."

Wounded Knee, A Wound That Won't Heal Did the Army Attempt To Coverup the Massacre of Prisoners of War?
Historical reference material from: The Official Bulletin National Indian War Veterans U.S.A. Section One, Section Two, Section Three and Section Four.
The Medals of Wounded Knee
Medals of dis-Honor
...more Medals of dis-Honor
Medals of dis-Honor Campaign
An email campaign has been initiated so as to force the U.S. Government to rescind the twenty medals of dis-Honor awarded participants in the Massacre at Wounded Knee. Your help is input form is provided for your convenience
Lieutenant Bascom Gets His Due..
Rescindment Petition Comments
Senator McCain Responds to the Rescindment Petition
My Response to McCain
Wokiksuye Canpe Opi...a site dedicated to rescindment of the "medals of dis-Honor."

So proudly the Army displays it's flag with over 170 battle streamers at the Pentagon, White House, West Point Military Academy, museums and Army posts throughout the world. The Pine Ridge battle streamer has the highest number of Congressional Medals of (dis)Honor (20) of all the streamers...
Use of the Army Flag at EPA Events: The September 1999 directive from the EPA Office of Civil Rights, and the memorandum from The American Indian Advisory Committee.

Heroes of Wounded Knee Creek - 1890
Wounded Knee Survivors Association Testimony - Senate Hearing, September 1990
A Chronology of Events Leading Up to the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre

Note that the Massacre at Wounded Knee did not happen in a vacuum, it was not an unrelated incident. The fires of hatred and racism were fueled from many quarters and a volatility was building. Contributing a good deal of fuel were newspaper articles and editorials such as those mentioned below.

"The death of Sitting Bull removes one of the obstacles to civilization...He was a greasy savage..." So reads an article published on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1890 in the St. Louis Republic, St. Louis, Missouri.

Writing in his newspaper the "The Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer", Aberdeen, South

Dakota, L. Frank Baum opined with regard to the Indian Nations, that "We cannot honestly regret their extermination..."

Thus fueled was the murderous firestorm that was Wounded Knee.

A Proposed Tribal Park?

A Massacre, A Tribal Park, A Farce...
Who Should We Believe?
Wounded Knee...Are We About To Do It Again?
Wounded Knee Landowners Reply to Wasichu...
Wasichu Sculptress Proposes Wounded Knee Memorial

The Wizard of Oz and Wounded Knee

Aberdeen Touts A Racist
Attack On An Attempt To Hold Baum Accountable For Genocidal Declarations
Twisted Footnotes to Wounded Knee
Commentary on Twisted Footnotes
Acknowledge L. Frank Baum's (author of The Wizard of Oz) Genocidal Declarations
Baum Petition Responses


Sitting Bull, In Memory
A Call to Assist the Elders
Black Hills Thievery Renewed

Wasichu's Continuing Gall...the Buffalo Nickle Act
Putting Enemy Heads On Pikes...a response to the Buffalo Nickle Act

First Nations Site Index

American Indian Movement

Anna Mae Aquash Archive

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