Tribal Names M through Y

Malahat Indian Band
P.O. Box 111
Mill Bay, BC VOR 2PO
(250) 743-3231
FAX 743-3251

Mamaleleqala Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Enox Band
1400 Weiwaikum Road
Campbell River, BC V9W 5W8
(250) 287-2955
FAX 287-4655

Matsqui Indian Band
P.O. Box 229
R.R. 1
31989 Harris Road
Matsqui, BC VOX lSO
(604) 826-6145
FAX (604) 826-7009

McLeod Lake
McLeod Lake Band Admin. Office
General Delivery
McLeod Lake, BC V0J 2G0
(250) 750-4415
FAX 750-4420

Metlakatla Indian Band
P.O. Box 459
Prince Rupert, BC V8J 3R2
(250) 628-3234
FAX 628-9205

Mid-Island Tribal Council
P.O. Box 1000
Duncan. BC V9L 3Y2
(604)746-9941.  FAX (604) 746-9961
Member Bands: Chemainus
(Sh may nus or Tz may nus), Lyackson,
Penelakut (Pen el ah kut).

Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
908 Pandora Avenue
PO Box 9100
Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 9B1
(250) 356-8281,  FAX 387-1785

Moricetown Band Council
R.R. 1, Box 1, Site 15
Moricetown, BC VOJ 2NO
(250) 847-2133
FAX 847-9291

Mount Currie
Mount Currie Band Admin. Office
P.O. Box 165
Mount Currie, BC V0N 2K0
(604) 894-6115,  FAX (604) 894-6841

Mowachaht/Muchalaht Band
P.O. Box 459
Gold River, BC VOP IGO
(250) 283-2015
FAX 283-2335

Musgamagw Tribal Council
P.O. Box 90
Alert Bay, BC V0N 1A0
974-5516,  FAX 974-5466
Member Bands: Kwa-wa-aineuk
(Kwa wa ay neuk),
(Kweek soo tain nuk ah kwa a meesh),
Namgis First Nation (formerly Nimpkish),
Tsawataineuk (Tsa wa tay nook).

Musqueam Indian Band
6370 Salish Drive
Vancouver, BC V6N 2C6
(604) 263-3261
FAX (604) 263-4212

Nadleh Whut'en
P.O. Box 36
Fort Fraser, BC VOJ INO
FAX 690-7316

Nak'azdli Band
P.O. Box 1329
Fort St. James, BC VOJ IPO
(250) 996-7171
FAX 996-8010

Namgis First Nation
P.O. Box 210
Alert Bay, BC VON IAO
(250) 974-5556
FAX 974-5900

Nanaimo First Nations
1145 Totem Road
Nanaimo, BC V9R lHI
(250) 753-3481
FAX 753-3492

Nanoose First Nation
209 Mallard Way
Lantzville, BC VOR 2HO
(250) 390-366I
FAX 390-3365

Nazko Indian Band
1954 Hilborn Road
Quesnel, BC V21 3P7
(250) 992-981O
FAX 992-7854

Nee-Tahi-Buhn Band
R.R. 2, Box 28
Burns Lake, BC VOJ 1 EO
(250) 694-3492
FAX 694-3530

Nemaiah Valley Indian Band
General Delivery
Nemaiah Valley, BC VOL IX0
(250) 481-1149 N42-65G9YJ
Alexis Creek Channel no FAX

Neskonlith Indian Band
P.O. Box 608,
Chase, BC, Canada, V0E 1M0
604-679-3295 FAX 604-679-5306
See also the Shuswap Council below.

New Westminster
105-3680 Rae Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5R 2P5
(604) 451-0531
FAX (604) 451-0531

Nicola Valley Tribal Council
P.O. Box 188
Merritt, BC V0K 2B0
378-4235,  FAX 378-9119
Member Bands: Coldwater, Cook's Ferry,
Lower Nicola, Nooaitch (Noo eye ch),
Shackan, Siska, Upper Nicola.

Nicomen Indian Band
P.O. Box 328
Lytton, BC VOK 1ZO
(250) 455-2279
FAX 455-2772

Nisga'a Tribal Council
General Delivery
New Aiyansh, BC V0J 1A0
633-2601,  FAX 633-2367
Member Bands: Gitlakdamix
(Git lah d aa mix),
Gitwinksihlkw (Git win see thl k),
Lakalzap (Lak al zap), Kincolith.

Nlaka'Pamux Nation Tribal Council
P.O. Box 430
Lytton, BC V0K 1Z0
FAX 455-2565
Member Bands: Ashcroft, Boothroyd,
Boston Bar, Cook's Ferry, Lytton,
Oregon Jack Creek , Siska.

Nooaitch Indian Band
P.O. Bag 6000
Merritt, BC VOK 2B0
(250) 378-6141
FAX 378-9119

North Coast Tribal Council
100 West First Avenue
Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1A8
624-4666,  FAX 627-1602
Member Bands: Hartley Bay, Kincolith,
Kitkatla, Old Massett Village Council,
Metlakatla (Met la ka tla), Skidegate.

North Thompson Band
P.O. Box 220
Barriere, BC VOE 1EO
(250) 672-9995

Nuchatlaht Tribes
P.O. Box 40
Zeballos, BC VOP 2A0
(250) 724-8609

Nuu-chan-nulth Tribal Council
P.O. Box 1383
Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2
(250) 724-5757,  FAX 723-0463
Member Bands: Ahousaht Band (A how sat),
Ditidaht (Dit ee dat),
Ehattesaht (Eh hat eh sat),
Hesquiaht (Hesh kwit),
Huu-ay-aht (Ohiaht) (Oh high at), Kyuquot,
Mowachaht/Muchalaht, Nuchatlaht (Noo hat lat),
Opetchesaht (Oh petch eh sat),
Tseshaht (Tse shat),
Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations(T lay qwat),
Toquaht (Toe kwat or Toe qwart),
Ucluelet, Uchucklesaht (U chuk le sat).

Nuxalk Indian Band
P.O. Box 65
Bella Coola, BC VOT 1CO
(250) 799-5613
FAX 799-5426

Ohamil Indian Band
Comp. 4, Site 22, R.R. 2
Hope, BC VOX 1L0
(250) 869-2627
FAX 869-9903

Okanagan Indian Band
R.R.7, Site 8, Comp. 20
Westside Road
Vernon, BC VlT 7Z3
(250) 542-4328,  FAX 542-4990

Okanagan Tribal Council
R.R. #2, Suite 80, Comp. 20
Penticton, BC V2A 6J7
493-5131,  FAX 493-4522
Member Bands: Okanagan,
Upper Similkameen, Westbank.

Okanagan Indian Educational Resources Society
257 Brunswick Street
Penticton, BC V2A 5P9
FAX 496-5302

Old Massett Village Council
P.O. Box 189
Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC VOT lM0
(250) 626-3337
FAX 626-5440

Opetchesaht First Nation
P.O. Box 211
Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M7
(250) 724-4041
FAX 724-1232

Oregon Jack Creek Indian Band
P.O. Box 940
Ashcroft, BC VOK lA0
(250) 453-9098
FAX 453-9097

Osoyoos Band Admin. Office
Site 25, Comp #1, R.R. #3
Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
(250) 498-4906/3444
FAX 498-6577

Oweekeno/Kitasoo/Nuxalk Tribal Council
P.O. Box 760
Bella Coola, BC V0T 1C0
FAX 799-5779
Member Bands: Nuxalk Nation (Noo hulk),
Kitasoo, Oweekeno.

Oweekeno Nation
P.O. Bag 3500
Port Hardy, BC VON 2P0
(250) 949-2107
FAX 949-2107

Pacheenaht (Pak een aat)
Pacheenaht Band Admin. Office
Port Renfrew, BC V0S 1K0
(250) 647-5521
FAX 647-5561

Pauquachin Indian Band
P. O. Box 517
Brentwood Bay, BC VOS 1K0
(250) 656-0191
FAX 656-6134

Pavilion Indian Band
P.O. Box 609
Cache Creek, BC VOK lH0
(250) 256-4204
FAX 256-4058

Penelakut Indian Band
P.O. Box 360
Chemainus, BC VOR lK0
(250) 246-2321
FAX 246-2725

Penticton Band Admin. Office
R.R. #2, Site 80, Comp. 19
Penticton, BC V2A 6J7
(250) 493-0048,  FAX 493-2882

Peters Indian Band
R.R. 2
16650 Peters Road
Hope, BC VOX lL0
(604) 794-7059,  FAX (604)794-7885

Popkum Band
62 - 45185 Wolfe Road
Chilliwack, BC V2P IV5
(604) 794-7924
FAX (604)858-4790

Prophet River Band
P.O. Box 3250
Fort Nelson, BC VOC IR0
(250) 773-6555
FAX 774-2270

Qualicum Band
Qualicum Band Admin. Office
5850 River Road
Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1Z5
(250) 757-9337
FAX 757-9898

Quatsino Indian Band
P.O. Box 100
Coal Harbour, BC VON IK0
(250) 949-6245
FAX 949-6249

Red Bluff Indian Band
P.O. Box 4693
Quesnel, BC V2J 5H8
(250) 747-2900
FAX 747-1341

St. Mary's Indian Band
R.R. 3, Site 15, Comp. 55
Cranbrook, BC VIC 6H3
FAX 426-8935

Saanich Cultural Education Centre
7449 West Saanich Road
P.O. Box 28
Brentwood Bay BC V8M 1R3
FAX 652-5957

Samahquam Indian Band
P.O. Box 456
Mount Currie, BC VON 2KO
(604) 700-3374
FAX (604)700-9546

Saulteaux Indian Band
P.O. Box 414
Chetwynd, BC VOC lJO
(250) 788-3955
FAX 788-9158
Scowlitz Indian Band
P.O. Box 76
Lake Errock, BC VOM lNO
(250) 826-5813
FAX 826-6222

Seabird Island Band
P.0. Box 650
Agassiz, BC VOM 1AO
(604) 796-2177
FAX (604) 796-3729

Sechelt Band Admin. Office
Box 740
Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0
(604) 687-8641
FAX (604)885-3490

Secwepemc Cultural Education Society
345 Yellowhead Highway
Kamloops BC V2H 1H1
FAX 372-1127

Semiahmoo (Sem ee a moo)
Semiahmoo Band Office
RR #7, 16010 Beach Road
White Rock, BC V4B 5A8
(604) 536-3101
FAX 536-6116

Seton Lake Indian Band
Site 3, Box 76
Shalalth, BC VON 3C0
(250) 259-8227
FAX 259-8384

Shackan Indian Band
Bag 6000
Merritt, BC VOK 2BO
(250) 378-6141
FAX 378-3699

Shuswap Indian Band
P.O. Box 790
Invermere, BC VOA 1KO
(250) 342-6361
FAX 342-2948

Shuswap Nation Tribal Council
355 Yellowhead Highway,
Kamloops, BC V2H 1H1.
FAX 374-6331
Member Bands: Adams Lake, Bonaparte,
Canoe Creek, Kamloops, Neskonlith,
North Thompson, Skeetchestn, Spallumcheen, Whispering Pines, High Bar.

Siska Indian Band
P.O. Box 358
Lytton, BC VOK lZO
(250) 455-2219
FAX 455-2539

Skawahlook Band
P.0. Box 388
Agassiz, BC VOM lAO
(604) 796-9533
FAX 796-9877
Skeetchestn Indian Band
P.O. Box 178
Savona, BC VOK 2J0
(250) 373-2493
FAX 373-2494

Skidegate Indian Band
P.0. Box 1301
Skidegate, Haida Gwaii, BC VOT 1S1
(250) 559-4496
FAX 559-8247

Skookumchuck Indian Band
P.O. Box 190
Pemberton, BC VON 2LO
(250) 894-5262
FAX 894-6188

Skowkale Indian Band
P.O. Box 159
Sardis, BC V2R IA7
(604) 792-0730
FAX 792-1153

Skuppah Indian Band
P.O. Box 116
Lytton, BC VOK 1ZO
(250) 455-2279
FAX 455-2772

Skwah (Skwaa)
Skwah Band Admin. Office
P.O. Box 178
Chilliwack, BC V2P 6H7
(604) 792-9204
FAX 792-1093

Skway Indian Band
c/o Sto:lo Nation Canada
P.O. Box 364
Chilliwack, BC V2P 6J4
(604) 792-9316
FAX 799-1093

Sliammon Cultural Center
R.R.# 2, Sliammon Road
Powell River, BC V8A 4Z3
(604) 483-9646
FAX 483-9769

Soda Creek Indian Band
R.R. 4, Site 15, Comp. 2
Williams Lake, BC V2G 4M8
(250) 297-6323
FAX 297-6300

Songhees Band Admin. Office
1500A Admirals Road
Victoria, BC V9A 2R1
(250) 386-1043
FAX 386-4161

Soowahlie Indian Band
4070 Soowahlie Road
Cultus Lake, BC VOX 1HO
(604) 858-4603 FAX 858-2350

Spallumcheen Band
P.O. Box 430
Enderby, BC VOE lVO
(250) 838-6496
FAX 838-2131

Spuzzum Indian Band
R.R. 1
Yale, BC VOK 2SO
(604) 863-2395
FAX 455-2213

Squamish Nation
320 Seymour Boulevard
North Vancouver, BC V7L 2J3
(604) 980-4553
FAX 980-4523/9601

Squiala Indian Band
P.O. Box 392
44974 Ashwell Road
Chilliwack, BC V2P 6J7
(604) 792-8300
FAX 792-4522

Stella'ten First Nation
P.O. Box 760
Fraser Lake, BC VOJ lSO
(250) 699-8747
FAX 699-6430

Sto:Lo Nation & Sto:lo Tribal Council
1. Sto:lo Nation Canada #5
7201 Vedder Road
P.O. Box 280
Sardis, BC V2R 1A6
Phone number: 858-0662
FAX 858-7692/4817
Member Bands: Aitchelitz Band
(A che leets),
Kwaw-Kwaw-A-Pilt (Kwa kwa a pilt),
Lakahahmen (La ka ha men), Matsqui,
Peters, Skawahlook (Skwa ha look),
Skowkale (Skow Kale), Skway (Sky way),
Tzeachten (Chak tun), Union Bar.

2. Sto:Lo Tribal Council
7201 Vedder Road
P.O. Box 310
Sardis, BC V2R 1A7
FAX 858-4790
Member Bands: Chawathil (formerly Hope)
(Shi wa thill), Cheam (Chee am),
Kwantlen First Nation (formerly Langley),
Ohamil, Popkum, Scowlitz, Seabird Island,
Soowahlie Band #572 (Soo wall ee),
Squiala (Skwye ala).
Sumas, Yakweakwioos
(Yak week wee oose).

Stone Indian Band
General Delivery
Hanceville, BC VOL lKO
(250) 394-4295
FAX 394-4407

Stoney Creek Elders Cultural Society
Site 12, Comp. 15, R.R. 1
Vandefhoof BC V0J 3A0
FAX 567-2998

Stoney Creek Indian Band
R.R. l, Site 12, Comp. 2G
Vanderhoof, BC VOJ 3AO
(250) 567-9293
FAX 567-2998

Sumas Indian Band
3092 Sumas Mountain Road R.R. 4
Abbotsford, BC V2S 4N4
(604) 852-4040
FAX 852-3834

Tahltan (Tall tan)
Tahltan Band Council
Telegraph Creek, BC V0J 2W0
(250) 235-3241
FAX 235-3244

Takla Lake Indian Band
General Delivery
Takla Landing via
Fort St. James, BC VOJ 2TO
(250) 564-3704
FAX 564-3704

Taku River Tlingit First Nation
P.O. Box 132
Atlin, BC VOW lAO
(250) 65l -7615
FAX 651-7714

Tanakteuk Indian Band
P.O. Box 330
Alert Bay, BC VON lA0
(250) 974-2179

Tzeachten Indian Band
P.O. Box 278
Building E. Tzeachten Community Centre
45585 Promontory Road
Sardis, BC V2R IA6
(250) 858-3888
FAX 858-3382

Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation
P.O. Box 18
Tofino, BC VOR 2Z0
(250) 725-3233
FAX 725-4233

Tlatlasikwala Band
c/o Whe-La-La-U Area Council
P.0. Box 270
Alert Bay, BC VON lAO
(250) 974-2000
FAX 974-2010

Tl'azt'en Nation
P.O.Box 670
Fort St. James, BC VOJ IPO
(250) 648-3212
FAX 648-3266

Tlowitsis-Mumtagila Band
P.O. Box 150
Alert Bay, BC VON IAO
(250) 974-5501
FAX 974-8904

Tobacco Plains Band
P.O. Box 76,
Grasmere, BC V0B 1R0
(250) 887-3461
FAX 887-3424

Toosey Indian Band
General Delivery
P.O.Box 80 Riske Creek, BC VOL ITO
(250) 659-5655
FAX 659-5601

Toquaht Band
PO.Box 759
Ucluelet, BC VOR 3A0
(250) 726-4230
FAX 726-4403

Treaty 8 Tribal Association
10233 - 100th Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V18J 1Y8
FAX 785-2021
Member Bands: Blueberry River,
Doig River, Fort Nelson, Halfway River,
Prophet River, West Moberly First Nations

Tsawataineuk Indian Band
Kingcome Inlet
Kingcome Village, BC VON 2BO

Campbell River
Kingcome Operator 5255
FAX ask for line 5207

Tsawout Indian Band
P.O. Box 121
Saanichton, BC VOS lMO
(250) 652-9101
FAX 652-9114

Tsawwassen First Nation
Building 132
North Tsawwassen Drive
Delta, BC V4K 3N2
(604) 943-2112
FAX 943-9226

Tsay Keh Dene
3845 - 15th Avenue
Prince George, BC V2N lA4
(250) 562-8882
FAX 562-8899

Tseshaht Band
P.O. Box 1218
Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M1
(250) 724-1225
FAX 724-4385

Tseycum Indian Band
P.O. Box 1210 Totem Lane
Sidney, BC V8L 5S4
(250) 656-0858
FAX 656-0868

Ts'ilhqot'in Tribal Council
102 - 383 Oliver Street
Williams Lake, BC V2G 1M4
FAX 398-5798
Member Bands: Alexandria, Alexis Creek,
Tl'etinqox-t'in Government Office
(formerly Anaham), Xeni Gwet'in First
Nations Government (Nemaiah Valley), Stone.

Tsimshian Tribal Council
737 2nd Avenue West
Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1H4
FAX 627-1938
Member Bands: Hartley Bay, Kitasoo,
Kitkatla, Kitselas, Kitsumkalum
(Kit tsem k aylem), Lax Kw'Alaams
(La kwa lahms), Metlakatla (Met la ka tla)

T'Sou-ke Nation
P.O. Box 5, R.R. 3
Lazzar Road
Sooke, BC VOS lNO
FAX 642-7808

Uchucklesant Band
P.O. Box 157
Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M7
(250) 724-1832
FAX 724-1806

Ucluelet Band
P.O. Box 699
Ucluelet, BC VOR 3A0
(250) 726-7342
FAX 726-7552

Ulkatcho Indian Band
General Delivery
Anahim Lake, BC VOL lC0
(250) 742-3260
FAX 742-3411

U'Mista Cultural Centre
Box 253
Alert Bay BC V0N 1A0

Union Bar Indian Band
P.O. Box 788
Hope, BC VOX 1L0
(604) 869-9466
FAX 869-9466

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs
440 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1L1
(604) 684-0231

United Native Nations
8th Floor, 736 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1G3
(604) 688-1821
FAX (604) 688-1823
Toll free: 1-800-555-9756

Upper Nicola Indian Band
P.O. Bag 3700
Merritt, BC VOK 2B0
(250) 350-3342
FAX 350-3311

Upper Similkameen Indian Band
P.O. Box 310
Keremeos, BC VOX I N0
(250) 499-2221
FAX 499-5117

Westbank Indian Band
301 - 515 Highway 97 South
Kelowna, BC VlZ 3J2
(250) 769-5666
FAX 769-4377

West Moberly Lake Indian Band
General Delivery
Moberly Lake, BC VOX IX0
(250) 788-3663
FAX 788-9792

Whe-la-la-u Area Council
P.O. Box 150
Alert Bay, BC V0N 1A0
(250) 974-5501,  FAX 974-5904
Member Bands: Tanakteuk (Dun aah duck),
Tlatlasikwala First Nation
(Tla tla see kwa la), Tlowitsis-mumtagila
(Tla oe wad zees mum ta gee la).
Whispering Pines Indian Band
R.R. 1, Site 8, Comp. 4
Kamloops, BC V2C lZ3
(250) 579-5772
FAX 579-8367

Williams Lake Indian Band
R.R.3, Box 4, Sugarcane
Williams Lake, BC V2G lM3
(250) 296-3507
FAX 296-4750

Xaxli'p Nation
P.O. Box 1330
Lillooet, BC VOK lVO
(250) 256-4227
FAX 256-7570

Yakweakwioose Indian Band
7176 Chilliwack River Road
R.R. 2
Sardis, BC V2R lBl
(604) 858-6726

Yale Indian Band
Yale Band Admin. Office
P.O. Box 1869
Hope, BC VOX 1L0
(604) 863-2443  FAX (604) 863-2467

Return to Index of Indian Tribes