Relatives...It has come to the attention of the Arizona Chapter of the American Indian Movement that within the state of Arizona, there are several Sacred Ceremonies being desecrated and bastardized.
These include, but are not limited to, the Sacred Inipi Ceremony, more commonly referred to as "sweat lodge".
We have been notified, by several sources, that many of these "sweats" are being run either by non-Indian people, Indian people with no authorization to do so, or for profit.
A person who is considered a Spiritual Person, authorized to conduct such ceremonies, lives his/her life as the job demands. They are human beings, true, but they are expected to live in a manner that is conducive to the Sacredness of this ceremony. They are expected to be an example, even in their everyday lives, to those who attend these ceremonies.
The Arizona Chapter of the American Indian Movement takes a stance of "zero- tolerance" to corrupt or bastardized ceremonies of this type, and the individuals who conduct them. To the charlatans that corrupt our ancient, Sacred ceremonies, we say, "you are being watched". To those who participate in such ceremonies, we say, "Be careful who your teachers are. Know your teachers and spiritual leaders. Learn how they live their lives away from these lodges, and ask yourselves if their lives can be held up to scrutiny, and if their lives are an example for others to follow. If not, then find a traditional person, speak with them, and ask if you can join the ceremony conducted by them. Your lives will be better by distancing yourselves from frauds, charlatans and profit-seekers."
DO NOT PAY TO PRAY! Questions regarding NAGPRA and Grave Desecration can be addressed to:
AIM Arizona