Why does insanity twist the great answers? Because only tormented persons want truth. Man is an animal like other animals, wants food and success and women, not truth. Only if the mind Tortured by some interior tension has despaired of happiness: then it hates its life-cage and seeks further, And finds, if it is powerful enough. But instantly the private agony that made the search Muddles the finding ...Theory of Truth, Robinson Jeffers |
In the Beginning there was the Mark. Tears. Uncalled. Unaccounted. Unwanted. Tears. Ripping. Wracking. A great unadorned sadness sweeping out of somewhere to shower me with salt. Tears caused a centering. Tears caused that first step. Tears masked as catalyst for Pain is the Mother. Sadness Her counsel. Tears are the ticket though empty the gain cause the scars serve to wrap one
instead i drive on in silence with no whispers of counsel no sound nothing no bells no whistles no rustlings no brushings to hear...only silence darkness borne and only me only me... |